Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wah, I have a crummy cold and I'm so struffed up I can barely hear out of my ears. Yucko, it is no fun to have a cold when it's below freezing outside. I have been in an ATC mood. Quite contrasting ones at that. The one with the cicada image is for a Haiku ATC swap, the other set was for a Sideshow Freaks and Geeks swap. Anyone ever see this creepy movie from the 1930s?

The Haiku goes on the back:

In the cicada's cry
No sign can foretell
How soon it must die.

-Matsuo Basho


Anonymous said...

okay so I am familiar with this kind of project, but I don't remember it being referred to as "ATC", I've always referred to it as paper relief or something relief, so what does ATC stand for anyway???? :D

Leslie said...

Those are cool as hell!
Hope you feel better soon! Come to Texas and dry up for a bit :-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry you feel bad. :-( I *love* your ATCs though.